None Dare Call It Treason & Murder

Americans “have got to know” if our last president conspired to commit treason and murder to end American democracy

Thom Hartmann
5 min readMar 4, 2021
Photo by Lacie Slezak on Unsplash

Did Donald Trump and some of the people around him conspire to have others murder the Vice President and Speaker of the House in order to hold power and conceal his crimes for another four years?

Time and evidence will eventually prove or disapprove that question, but the evidence before us right now is pretty grim.

About a week after Donald Trump lost the 2020 election, he fired his Secretary of Defense and replaced him with a reliable toady, Christopher Miller. He also replaced several other senior civilian officials at the Pentagon around the same time, including one who was a “protege” of Mike Flynn.

We learned from yesterday‘s testimony by Major General William Walker, the Commander of the Washington DC National Guard, that not only had he been prepared and ready to protect the Capitol on January 6, but that he was specifically ordered not to by that same recently-installedActing Defense Secretary Miller.

The Capitol was under siege the afternoon of January 6th, and there was a very real possibility that Trump’s militia followers would succeed in assassinating Vice President Pence and…



Thom Hartmann
Thom Hartmann

Written by Thom Hartmann

America’s #1 progressive talk show host & NY Times bestselling author. Thom’s writings also appear at

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