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Is This the Smoking Gun of Trump’s Treason?
Trump’s trial may have to shift from insurrection to treason
Probably the largest question that the Trump impeachment trial must answer is both simple and straightforward: “Did the President lead or participate in a conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States and install himself as a strongman dictator-for-life?”
Proving this first requires connecting Trump to the traitors who actually, physically tried to seize the Capitol and murder Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, killing five other people in the process.
It’ll also require proof that Trump or people in his immediate circle directed that insurrection with his knowledge; that he himself directed people to march on the capital and suggested or implied they should act violently; and that he or his agents took active steps to prevent the federal government from protecting the Capitol or Pence, Pelosi, and the constitutional process of counting the votes.
New reporting from the New York Times brings shocking detail to this investigation, and a recently released document raises troubling questions.
First, it appears that the invasion of the Capitol to “stop the steal” wasn’t spontaneous, but was the result of a conspiracy that…